• Soal Sejarah Kelas X

    Soal Sejarah Kelas X

    X: We’ll have a long holiday next month. What are you going to do? X: I hope you have a nice trip. I am thinking of going to Bali b. Sorry, I can’t tell you c.

    It’s not your business d. I have nothing to do e. I don’t know what to do 2. Hasan: Do you think the station will be crowded?

    Soal Jawaban UKK Sejarah Kelas X Semester 2. Posted on by asep. Buku kerja guru smp. Assalammu’alaikum wr wb. Selamat berjumpa kembali, semoga keadaan teman-teman selalu dalam keadaan baik dan sukses selalu, dan juga selalu berada dalam lindungan Allah swt. Pada kali ini akan dijelaskan mengenai contoh soal tentang UKK sejarah.

    Hamid: Of course. There are who want to go to their home town to celebrate the Lebaran day. Only a few people b. A lot of people d. Only one person e.

    Few persons 3. Ria: What do you think about thiscomputer, Ana?

    Ana: I think it’s a good one. What pentium is it? Ria: It’s pentium one. Ana: What about the price?

    Ria: Rp 5 millions. The fair price for pentium one is usually about Rp 2 millions. What a cheap computer b. I like the price c.

    I agree with its price d. I don’t think so e. It’s too expensive 4. Bowo: I feel tired and I feel dizzy. Sri: I think. Don’t leave the bed if it is not necessary.

    You must drink hot water b. You should lie down and have some rest c.

    You can see the doctor tonight d. I will take you to the hospital e. I must take some rest, too 5.

    Rindu: Mom, I am nominated in the singing contest. I’m really proud of you. The underlined utterance is an expression of.

    Soal Sejarah Kelas X